Donnerstag, 30. Juni 2011

Cleveland (May 19th to 22nd)

We found this great restaurant at a rest stop on the highway. The pizza wasn't great though

A tall and important looking building in Cleveland. No seriously, I don't remember what it stands for but i'm sure there was a reason.

We were going to the concert of the Cleveland Orchester and we had to dress up. It was an amazing concert =)

That was the lobby at the concert. no at all like the one in Vienna ^^

A huge guitar

I think the stamp was there for one of the world wars but I'm not too sure anymore.

The national science museum =) it was pretty cool =) like the Technorama. 

ON our way to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. We had to wait in the bus for someone to come and explain the rules.

Cedar Point! We went on the fastest ride of the America!! =) we also went on a few other ones and at the end on a water-ride. That wasn't actually very smart because then we had to go into the bus wet 

New York (May 5th to 9th)

The Empire State Building. Unfortunately we didn't go on top of it

That was Italy's present to the US after the second world war. It is made out of bullets. That place is in New York but it isn't part of the US. Kind of cool if you think about it =)

That was Luxembourg's present

A picture of New York from the Brooklyn Bridge. We walked all the way over the bridge.

A show store. Guess what they sell! right Cornverse lol. Inside the store there were way more shoes

The last picture of New York (from New Jersey).  

We were waiting at the border to get through the passport control. it took forever because they had to control every single person, since non of us was from North America.
I was with Carla, Mizuki and Erika. (right to left)

Mittwoch, 29. Juni 2011


Last time I saw my school! =(

The dress i wore to graduation. (yes I bought a new dress mim =D ) I did al the beading on the top (you can't see it on this picure though)

Our Grad-Gown. They were red with a black hat. We got to keep the hat!! =)

We were waiting to cross the stage and to get our diploma. It took almost 30 min to call everyone. because of my last name I was almost the last one

after the ceremony, they gave me my diploma =) it was great because at the beginning they weren't sure if I could get one!!