Montag, 28. April 2014


Last week we went to visit the Capital of the Czech Republic =)

The National Theater (which was really close to our hotel)

This was the Old Town Square, whit the Teny Church in the background

This was in Josefov the Jewish Quarter of Prague. Next to the Synagogue there is the Old Cemetery.

This is St. Loreto Church in Hradčany the Castle District.

The Prague Castle (Pražský hrad)

The St. Vitus Cathedral which can be seen from many places, since it is build on one of the highest hills of Prague.

This is the view from the hidden gardens of Vrtba

On our last day we went to Kutna Hora, which is located about 65 km from Prague. It used to have Silver mines, which are closed now a days.
This is a picture of the Sedlec Ossuary a small chapel in Kutna Hora.

The only time it was raining, and we were outside..

On Saturday we went again to the Castle District. Big mistake! There were soo many people! About 100 times more, then during the week.

The south tower (highest point of the Castle District) richt next to the St. Vitus Cathedral.

This is the very famous Charles Bridge. It has statutes of saints on each side.

Sonntag, 19. Januar 2014


From November 16th to the 18th my father, Leo and I went to visit my grandpa in Vienna

The St. Stephen's Cathedral.

The lower Schloss Belvedere.

The Upper Schloss Belvedere.

This a way to fold the napkin. It is only allowed to be on the table when there is a king or a queen. Only 2 people know how to fold it (and they keep the secret). It is still used when a royal highness is visiting Vienna.